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Kryvä von Strengler Kryvä von Strengler ist weiblich

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Dabei seit: 13.07.2010
Beiträge: 55

Sports News from Eretz Zitatantwort auf diesen Beitrag erstellen Diesen Beitrag editieren/löschen Diesen Beitrag einem Moderator melden       IP Information Zum Anfang der Seite springen

I winded up in the wrong new Forum at first.. großes Grinsen
It happends..

a Question first..could someone change my name into
Kryvä von Strengler?
Now it reads :Kryvä von Strengler.

What's the News, Fist the new Woman Soccers League wish has been planted in the Outback Province of Manifesto Land on Baldur..NOT the O.I.K..but the province belonges to Kaputistan

Øysten Storskjemmet has layed down the Rules for that League wish ,in cohute with Lina and me have been held simple and revolve around the simple fact that Teams and Nations have enough responsabilty to deal with there Teams.
Idiotic Rules like "1 Team 1 League" aint done in the K.F.F.

Dezirujo can send her Teams in there AND in any other League she likes to.
You will find Manifesto Land and the League here.

The direct contact to the League is here..
Under "Contact us"
Here just fill in the Name of the Trainer and the Team .
You're bet has to be send to Øysten in Kaputistan in his PN BOX or his Mail adress haugli1 at

Then we have the Big Lanteen Sailing Match starts the 3th of August and will go over Two Worlds from Eretz over
Arsvivendi -Pottyland -Wolfenstein -Tir -Manifesto Land to karhu where it ends.
Info on the Race and Registration to Play can be found here..

Rimsaya li Sport v Medinat ha_Eretz
Rimsaya Sar Raisa li C.S.E

Dieser Beitrag wurde schon 1 mal editiert, zum letzten mal von Kryvä von Strengler am 15.07.2010 08:23.

Beitragsnr.: 134
15.07.2010 08:21 Kryvä von Strengler ist offline Email an Kryvä von Strengler senden Beiträge von Kryvä von Strengler suchen Nehmen Sie Kryvä von Strengler in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Vigla Malseko Vigla Malseko ist weiblich

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Dabei seit: 03.06.2010
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Thanks for the information, we will change the name soon. I was on holiday. Now the Olympic Games in Chinopia are in the focus. Dezirujo will particpate there only modestly.

Beitragsnr.: 135
28.07.2010 18:24 Vigla Malseko ist offline Email an Vigla Malseko senden Beiträge von Vigla Malseko suchen Nehmen Sie Vigla Malseko in Ihre Freundesliste auf

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Dabei seit: 01.06.2010
Beiträge: 29

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The name is changed. It is nice to see you here!

Some are here on holiday and some on the Esperanto Congress.

Beitragsnr.: 137
28.07.2010 18:55 Dezirujo ist offline Email an Dezirujo senden Beiträge von Dezirujo suchen Nehmen Sie Dezirujo in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Kryvä von Strengler Kryvä von Strengler ist weiblich

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Dabei seit: 13.07.2010
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Thanks for the Name change.
I heard about that Congress , it in the culture part of my Weekend magazine. smile
We have the same problem with people on holidays to I expect however no problems with the new Football League or the Sailing match.
And it's War again on the OIK's..I do part of Yasmines Translations so I had a good view of what is going on .
Well, holidays breack shit..

Well many things have changed, Eretz is now a Confederation of States wish includes Karhu maasta as well.
Confederacy members are
Eretz, Clwydd, al Ajubiddiq and Karhu.
On the Baldur map however Eretz and Karhu are Nations on there own.

The Confederate Government has no Minister of Sports so I will become Minister of Sports of al Ajubiddiq ,my home country.
In Eretz and Clwydd I will be the advisor of..
Practicaly seen nothing will (really) change in the Sports sector we will have more Sportsman and Woman with Karhu.

I'll try to get into contackt with Migs so she can ,if you want it, take her place again as Ambassador.
I Heard..Heard ,she and Lina and her Family are touring Canada at the moment.

Rimsaya li Sport v Medinat ha_Eretz
Rimsaya Sar Raisa li C.S.E

Beitragsnr.: 138
31.07.2010 02:33 Kryvä von Strengler ist offline Email an Kryvä von Strengler senden Beiträge von Kryvä von Strengler suchen Nehmen Sie Kryvä von Strengler in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Vigla Malseko Vigla Malseko ist weiblich

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Dabei seit: 03.06.2010
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Thanks for the message:

1) Football Leagua: Our league has not been started because the Olympics and the holiday season. As far as I understood the Baldur League is a Under 23 league. Is this true? When it is intended to start?

2) Sailing: Well it is a bit late and our energy is bound at the Olympics for now.

3) OIK: Really disgusting as Plezura wrote. We simply ignore that. Lets hope that persons and things change there. Primitivism is ruling there. If not so what. Maybe they will find a pretext against us to throw us out who knows. But it does not really matter. Our simulation is not so much bound to any specific card.

Beitragsnr.: 143
01.08.2010 14:37 Vigla Malseko ist offline Email an Vigla Malseko senden Beiträge von Vigla Malseko suchen Nehmen Sie Vigla Malseko in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Plezura Okazako Plezura Okazako ist weiblich

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Dabei seit: 03.06.2010
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Concerning OIK: I can just advise you to go on / revive the Baldur project. These fanatics will never stay calm. It is really a shame. I hope that a silent majority has the same opinion as me. To follow OIK with its current leadership is just a waste of time. *so*

Beitragsnr.: 144
01.08.2010 14:40 Plezura Okazako ist offline Email an Plezura Okazako senden Beiträge von Plezura Okazako suchen Nehmen Sie Plezura Okazako in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Kryvä von Strengler Kryvä von Strengler ist weiblich

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Dabei seit: 13.07.2010
Beiträge: 55

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Original von Vigla Malseko
Thanks for the message:

1) Football Leagua: Our league has not been started because the Olympics and the holiday season. As far as I understood the Baldur League is a Under 23 league. Is this true? When it is intended to start?

2) Sailing: Well it is a bit late and our energy is bound at the Olympics for now.

3) OIK: Really disgusting as Plezura wrote. We simply ignore that. Lets hope that persons and things change there. Primitivism is ruling there. If not so what. Maybe they will find a pretext against us to throw us out who knows. But it does not really matter. Our simulation is not so much bound to any specific card.

a Yes the KFF is a -23 Woman Soccer League it will start the 15th of August
It has 6 Teams now.
The Sailing Match starts the 18th ,what you could do is for example offer a Port ,as Stage end and Begin.
I understand that the Olympics do have more weight and importance there ...and that you will make a few big hits.
We had in mind to send One or Two teams there to but we thought the better of it because we don't want that Land to be confronted with the once that will follow us and reek havoc as we saw in Tengoku.

I have done a part of Yasmina's translation work over there it seems they banned her there as well so we don't have a Representative there anymore.
That was done by the Guy who started the "new" Fight there Saxburger/Platzmeister as Saxburger he stepped down from all offices at the OIK, remember? (Rücktrit 1) but his 2d : Platzmeister stayed Administrator and mobbed along to.

Yassi did offer them a safe and easy way out of the conflict you can see it here
this one since they did all they could not to see it I knew they where not interested in a solution.
I don't believe that "sensible" People will return to that Forum..nor that any of those will show up when the Hollander thing comes up for a vote.

It's going to be thin for the LDS as well for sure Eretz and karhu will recall their Teams from there ,after that vote I will personally take care of that..
I am sorry for Nations like Merovinges, Kaputistan and Wolfenstein but if there chiefs do nothing at the OIK its to be expected that people like Lina, Yaffi and Katii will stop playing there.
In 1 Year the South will only have 3 or 4 Nations ,You, the one from Fress, Pottyland and Banannaworld .

The empire Pizzaro's is a allied State in the Triple Union Pottyland, Banannaworld and Pizzaro's .
They where picked up for inactivity at the OIK' was Jürgen that informed King Potty and both staged a play there to prevent a inactivity process...where was Leoly with Banannaworld to Help? guest it! far..very far away. smile

Rimsaya li Sport v Medinat ha_Eretz
Rimsaya Sar Raisa li C.S.E

Dieser Beitrag wurde schon 2 mal editiert, zum letzten mal von Kryvä von Strengler am 01.08.2010 23:02.

Beitragsnr.: 145
01.08.2010 22:27 Kryvä von Strengler ist offline Email an Kryvä von Strengler senden Beiträge von Kryvä von Strengler suchen Nehmen Sie Kryvä von Strengler in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Kryvä von Strengler Kryvä von Strengler ist weiblich

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Dabei seit: 13.07.2010
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Original von Plezura Okazako
Concerning OIK: I can just advise you to go on / revive the Baldur project. These fanatics will never stay calm. It is really a shame. I hope that a silent majority has the same opinion as me. To follow OIK with its current leadership is just a waste of time. *so*

Yassi started a impeachment action against the directorate I helped her along with the text ,you find it here Katii has completed the World Map for Baldur and will fine-tune it when back from Canada with Lina
You can view it [URL=[/URL]
The silent majority will do nothing..(that's why they are called silent Augenzwinkern )

What I have seen where 4 People who screamed around 2 People who loved to have our help and yours to to get elected (Carmen) and they other one for various other things (Leoly)
who turned into the anti-Eretz Camp Leoly did so because as non-German she was afraid not to be taken as a "full" German if she would side with non-Germans and she "Bought" a easy possession of Transien from the OIK's..

So we have
Jim Roh ,the guy from Ephese,Adolf Honecker ,Bailey, Fresse, Leoly and Carmen who are screaming that THEY are the OIK's and that THEY are the community..
did I mis it somewhere?

Yassi was banned but she did tell you why we turned and stayed on the OIK map..the requests to do so came from the USSRAT Merovinges Pottyland and a few others, so we went dual-maped.
The Union of Karhu and Eretz was also advised to us for such a Union would only have 1 Vote at the OIK and would pose less a threat..that we have also done.
Non can say we didn't listen to our Friends what these Friends will be worth will show when the Hollander thing comes up for a Vote.. smile

Rimsaya li Sport v Medinat ha_Eretz
Rimsaya Sar Raisa li C.S.E

Beitragsnr.: 146
01.08.2010 22:57 Kryvä von Strengler ist offline Email an Kryvä von Strengler senden Beiträge von Kryvä von Strengler suchen Nehmen Sie Kryvä von Strengler in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Vigla Malseko Vigla Malseko ist weiblich

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Dabei seit: 03.06.2010
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League: Until which date can a team register for the U23 league. It would be great to have a youngster team there.

LdS: Yes they will have problems, because Dezirujo and Eretz/Karhu were the most active players there. One girl from Tir is the Hansastan guy, he is of course bound to VMF and WSL. I have nothing against them, but we have different priorities. We will start our league after the holiday season is over, so maybe 1 of September. Teams from Karhu/Eretz are welcome. We don't care about rules like one nation one league. It is just a game!

Beitragsnr.: 149
05.08.2010 23:25 Vigla Malseko ist offline Email an Vigla Malseko senden Beiträge von Vigla Malseko suchen Nehmen Sie Vigla Malseko in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Plezura Okazako Plezura Okazako ist weiblich

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Dabei seit: 03.06.2010
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I am really fed up with this neverending discussions in OIK. Its getting more and more ridiculous. I think that there are many people who don't want to hear this anymore. Some are just afraid to talk, because they fear to be attacked.

The latest claim that the new Priedgallen representative and me are identic persons is very ridiculous. Some years ago he and me founded this small nation togethe long before Dezirujo. We are sometimes quarelling but nevertheless he isan independent mind and has a lot of experience.

Beitragsnr.: 150
05.08.2010 23:33 Plezura Okazako ist offline Email an Plezura Okazako senden Beiträge von Plezura Okazako suchen Nehmen Sie Plezura Okazako in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Kryvä von Strengler Kryvä von Strengler ist weiblich

Bewertung :
noch nicht bewertet

Dabei seit: 13.07.2010
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Original von Vigla Malseko
League: Until which date can a team register for the U23 league. It would be great to have a youngster team there.

LdS: Yes they will have problems, because Dezirujo and Eretz/Karhu were the most active players there. One girl from Tir is the Hansastan guy, he is of course bound to VMF and WSL. I have nothing against them, but we have different priorities. We will start our league after the holiday season is over, so maybe 1 of September. Teams from Karhu/Eretz are welcome. We don't care about rules like one nation one league. It is just a game!

I admit that I was somewhat angry at that moment after talks with Lina and Gaby I think it wiser to leave it to them they know Tir and the league I am in the backwater there. smile
I have no intend to jeopardise the work of others by rash actions.

The KFF is open for entry until the 14Th 1300H .
a Eventualy shift of the starting date (I Heard) can be arranged if such is wanted.
a Participation of Teams from the CSE would be a good thing I have sended Lina ,Grundjar and Gaby a note. smile

Rimsaya li Sport v Medinat ha_Eretz
Rimsaya Sar Raisa li C.S.E

Beitragsnr.: 151
05.08.2010 23:46 Kryvä von Strengler ist offline Email an Kryvä von Strengler senden Beiträge von Kryvä von Strengler suchen Nehmen Sie Kryvä von Strengler in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Vigla Malseko Vigla Malseko ist weiblich

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Dabei seit: 03.06.2010
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I will establish a junior team there. That is a good think. With this forum we also have the opportunity to host international football events. We can do that after the holiday season.

Beitragsnr.: 152
05.08.2010 23:52 Vigla Malseko ist offline Email an Vigla Malseko senden Beiträge von Vigla Malseko suchen Nehmen Sie Vigla Malseko in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Kryvä von Strengler Kryvä von Strengler ist weiblich

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Dabei seit: 13.07.2010
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Original von Plezura Okazako
I am really fed up with this neverending discussions in OIK. Its getting more and more ridiculous. I think that there are many people who don't want to hear this anymore. Some are just afraid to talk, because they fear to be attacked.

The latest claim that the new Priedgallen representative and me are identic persons is very ridiculous. Some years ago he and me founded this small nation togethe long before Dezirujo. We are sometimes quarelling but nevertheless he isan independent mind and has a lot of experience.

First of all thanks for what you have already done so far wich is a lot more than others who call or called themselves our Friends.

I had a Laugh about this (again)
Also about the fact that one tries to go around the clausal for deleting Nations wich can't be done other than Inactivity.
It's becoming clownesc more and more and I believe even Fresse seems to understand.

All over sudden Kaputistan is no longer a "Holländer"project..but with the other Hand they accuse us of having Hijacked it... Augenzwinkern
From a Letter Sämia got from Oberste Hirte ,one of the Admins of the OIK we have Learned that it wasn't him who Banned Samia and Yasmina so that was his colleague "Platzmeister"also known as Saxburger who accused David and Paolo of having falsified the Elections in wich he and Gried lost..
I remember this .. the same gut now dressed up as Platzmeister wants to play the "Neutral" Admin and broker.. Zunge raus Augenzwinkern
How would Paolo and David be able to rig or falsify a election in wish 30 or more could have voted ,both only having 1 Vote to give..
What I have seen is that they seem to bring in more CartA Mobbing ID's like Lanrezac .
The fact that one like Adolf insults you and this man from Priedgalen shows only one thing..he is afraid he will fail and others will come after him.

There is a answer from Baldur as well..Conchita made it clear that Baldur does not want to have any doing with idea's from the OIK of "dumping" there problems at Baldur's front door.
She wrote it like that
She is right the OIK has been warned time after time that there intolerance against those who tried it with German would lead unavoidable to trouble.

I believe we can sit by and Laugh about OIK Television as long as it is still on the Air. smile

Rimsaya li Sport v Medinat ha_Eretz
Rimsaya Sar Raisa li C.S.E

Beitragsnr.: 155
06.08.2010 00:19 Kryvä von Strengler ist offline Email an Kryvä von Strengler senden Beiträge von Kryvä von Strengler suchen Nehmen Sie Kryvä von Strengler in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Plezura Okazako Plezura Okazako ist weiblich

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Dabei seit: 03.06.2010
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As adherant of Esperanto we are not thinking in such national characters and believe in international exchange and understanding of people. I know a lot of people from all over the world by Esperanto. So I am a bit allergic to intolerance and injustice.

As I am long enough in the MN scene I am not so much afraid. A micro nation will survive by motivation and good ideas. Card organizations are basically a good thing but a nation can also play and interact with other nations without that. So I am relatively relaxed. It is all a kind of game and so I did not take some things too personally. Sometimes I just a take a break from OIK because of other obligations or I am simply fed up for a while but I am not afraid to state my opinion.

What OIK is doing know is more and more becoming a suicide. Thats what I try to prevent.

Beitragsnr.: 157
06.08.2010 00:37 Plezura Okazako ist offline Email an Plezura Okazako senden Beiträge von Plezura Okazako suchen Nehmen Sie Plezura Okazako in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Kryvä von Strengler Kryvä von Strengler ist weiblich

Bewertung :
noch nicht bewertet

Dabei seit: 13.07.2010
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I do understand that all too well.
Living the latter parts of our Lives in a War zone made Jürgen and me also like that we don't waver saying what we have on our minds.
Both partly working in the Tourist branch brought us in contact with People from all over the World as well.
Here we are half-Farmers and half-Guest Families for Tourists.
Did you think we had our German from school? ,course not ,we had to master that ourselves or pick it up from Family and Tanies.

Sure the OIK is a game and that they are playing with there very existence is quite clear by now the Directorate will have been informed what is going on and that a Lawsuit will be handed down at Ismaringen ,against the owner of the OIK, shortly if they choose to go on as they are doing now.
It is he who get's the wrap, if it goes wrong ,not Fresse and Co.
They have One lucky break..Yasmina has been called in (Libanon crises) and won't be on for a while.
Well I hope the Soup ain't eaten as hot as it is served. smile

Rimsaya li Sport v Medinat ha_Eretz
Rimsaya Sar Raisa li C.S.E

Beitragsnr.: 158
06.08.2010 01:41 Kryvä von Strengler ist offline Email an Kryvä von Strengler senden Beiträge von Kryvä von Strengler suchen Nehmen Sie Kryvä von Strengler in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Mette Jespersen

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Dabei seit: 06.08.2010
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Novidia is definitely be interested for the league. Because I myself am the coach of one adult team I will create a new account for the junior coach.

To OIK: We are only indirect member via Dezirujo and it feels good ... Zunge raus

Dieser Beitrag wurde schon 1 mal editiert, zum letzten mal von Mette Jespersen am 06.08.2010 23:00.

Beitragsnr.: 161
06.08.2010 22:59 Mette Jespersen ist offline Email an Mette Jespersen senden Beiträge von Mette Jespersen suchen Nehmen Sie Mette Jespersen in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Kryvä von Strengler Kryvä von Strengler ist weiblich

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noch nicht bewertet

Dabei seit: 13.07.2010
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Original von Mette Jespersen
Novidia is definitely be interested for the league. Because I myself am the coach of one adult team I will create a new account for the junior coach.

To OIK: We are only indirect member via Dezirujo and it feels good ... Zunge raus

You know that you are most Welcome and I don't blame you a split second for hav'n a good feeling about that too.
But from time to time one can have a Laugh about them to.

Let me show you this..List of Names Four Persons on this list where German provocation ID's from Wilhelm VII and Ascanius Divius
Chaia merch Clwyd
Katii Pekkulaina
and Katii Pekkulainen.
Two of them have been Caught here..Administration! großes Grinsen Freude
Lets have a look at Gerd von Falkenstein proving these 4 also to be Holländers.. eine Analyse

Gues you understand we Laught our penny's down! smile

Rimsaya li Sport v Medinat ha_Eretz
Rimsaya Sar Raisa li C.S.E

Beitragsnr.: 162
07.08.2010 01:49 Kryvä von Strengler ist offline Email an Kryvä von Strengler senden Beiträge von Kryvä von Strengler suchen Nehmen Sie Kryvä von Strengler in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Kryvä von Strengler Kryvä von Strengler ist weiblich

Bewertung :
noch nicht bewertet

Dabei seit: 13.07.2010
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Original von Plezura Okazako
I am really fed up with this neverending discussions in OIK. Its getting more and more ridiculous. I think that there are many people who don't want to hear this anymore. Some are just afraid to talk, because they fear to be attacked.

The latest claim that the new Priedgallen representative and me are identic persons is very ridiculous. Some years ago he and me founded this small nation togethe long before Dezirujo. We are sometimes quarelling but nevertheless he isan independent mind and has a lot of experience.

If I am well informed the new Delegate of Priedgalen has gone away or has been banned as well ,his E Mail and W.W.W are missing in the Members List and his E Mail is missing in the Team members List a almost sure sign that someone has either been Banned or went away on his own.
And I was wrong he is till there (saw him in the Administration Thread)

Rimsaya li Sport v Medinat ha_Eretz
Rimsaya Sar Raisa li C.S.E

Dieser Beitrag wurde schon 1 mal editiert, zum letzten mal von Kryvä von Strengler am 08.08.2010 02:30.

Beitragsnr.: 163
07.08.2010 13:05 Kryvä von Strengler ist offline Email an Kryvä von Strengler senden Beiträge von Kryvä von Strengler suchen Nehmen Sie Kryvä von Strengler in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Viola Karbono

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Dabei seit: 11.08.2010
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As coach of the National Team of Novidia I announce the participation of our youth team Yunaro Cielravino in the KFF.

Beitragsnr.: 195
11.08.2010 20:00 Viola Karbono ist offline Email an Viola Karbono senden Beiträge von Viola Karbono suchen Nehmen Sie Viola Karbono in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Vigla Malseko Vigla Malseko ist weiblich

Bewertung :
noch nicht bewertet

Dabei seit: 03.06.2010
Beiträge: 177

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Original von Viola Karbono
As coach of the National Team of Novidia I announce the participation of our youth team Yunaro Cielravino in the KFF.

We have no problem with the participation of a Novidian team, but its up to the administration of the league to decide, because as I see this what mean 9 teams which is a bit hard to play.

Beitragsnr.: 197
12.08.2010 06:50 Vigla Malseko ist offline Email an Vigla Malseko senden Beiträge von Vigla Malseko suchen Nehmen Sie Vigla Malseko in Ihre Freundesliste auf
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