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Thema: (Sankta Magdalena) La Hotel Esperantino
Veronique Els

Antworten: 6
Hits: 5955

18.12.2010 12:18 Forum: Sankta Magdalena

Original von Plezura Okazako
Ich hoffe Sie haben einen angenehmen Aufenthalt! Leider sind wir schlechte Gastgeberinnen und haben das Spiel gestern gewonnen.

"Nun weil mann ein Spiel gewinnt ist mann doch kein Schlechter Gastgeber??.
Wir sind das Risko ja eingegangen.."
"Leisten sie mir Gesellschaft beim Frühstuck.." smile

Thema: (Sankta Magdalena) La Hotel Esperantino
Veronique Els

Antworten: 6
Hits: 5955

18.12.2010 01:01 Forum: Sankta Magdalena

Legt sich hin und schläft bald ein in Grundjar's Armen. smile

Thema: Länder Spiel Dezirujo - Kaputistan
Veronique Els

Antworten: 149
Hits: 85943

18.12.2010 00:58 Forum: La Sporto

Doesn't Worry about Stepka a bit..
En joy's the Pipe and the atmosphere in the Stadium..
Talks with Maleter, Montdragon and Labous..

Thema: Länder Spiel Dezirujo - Kaputistan
Veronique Els

Antworten: 149
Hits: 85943

18.12.2010 00:47 Forum: La Sporto

Original von Vigla Malseko
Cheers her team and is very satisfied. Congratulates the Coach of Kapustistan for the strong play.

Really a good match! But we both have a problem in the defence. At least a bit! Augenzwinkern

Hugs Vigla..
"Yes it looks like it and I have a activity Problem with the Bulldog Ladies..they have not Game Rhythm..and that is what brings Instabilty.

You Won Fair and Square let there be no Doubt about that.

Thema: Länder Spiel Dezirujo - Kaputistan
Veronique Els

Antworten: 149
Hits: 85943

18.12.2010 00:44 Forum: La Sporto

Calms down a few..
"Easy..just go at it, that's waht we are sup. to do."
Picks up a Pipe and Files it..Smøre is a Habit I have from Lina..

Thema: Länder Spiel Dezirujo - Kaputistan
Veronique Els

Antworten: 149
Hits: 85943

18.12.2010 00:39 Forum: La Sporto

Fires them on to give it all in the closing Minutes.. smile

Thema: Länder Spiel Dezirujo - Kaputistan
Veronique Els

Antworten: 149
Hits: 85943

18.12.2010 00:35 Forum: La Sporto

Shows Anouk the Thumb..She scored a real beauty..a Player to be careful with.

Thema: Länder Spiel Dezirujo - Kaputistan
Veronique Els

Antworten: 149
Hits: 85943

18.12.2010 00:30 Forum: La Sporto

So my Fear about the Bulldog's being out of Rhythym became true, that's the way it is and none can be blamed.

Keep on Yelling them foreward..

Thema: Länder Spiel Dezirujo - Kaputistan
Veronique Els

Antworten: 149
Hits: 85943

18.12.2010 00:25 Forum: La Sporto

Shake my Head a moment but give Labous a comforting Hug anyway..Sports are sensible people from time to time who need that ...

Thema: Länder Spiel Dezirujo - Kaputistan
Veronique Els

Antworten: 149
Hits: 85943

18.12.2010 00:23 Forum: La Sporto

Oh that with the Goal's is no problem .
I'll "follow" the anouncer is the simplest way to do it.

Does not change the Team would be bad for moral at this moment.

Thema: Länder Spiel Dezirujo - Kaputistan
Veronique Els

Antworten: 149
Hits: 85943

18.12.2010 00:13 Forum: La Sporto

Picks up the Bike from the Bank and Shows it to the Girls to remaind them of Item number 1..KEEP CIRCULATING YOUR POSITIONS..

Thema: Länder Spiel Dezirujo - Kaputistan
Veronique Els

Antworten: 149
Hits: 85943

18.12.2010 00:04 Forum: La Sporto

Point at Montdragon for the Penalty..

Thema: Länder Spiel Dezirujo - Kaputistan
Veronique Els

Antworten: 149
Hits: 85943

17.12.2010 23:57 Forum: La Sporto

Put my Finger on my Mouth.. and pointed with the other Hand at the Dezirujo Goal..
Everyone understood that Gesture.. smile

Thema: Länder Spiel Dezirujo - Kaputistan
Veronique Els

Antworten: 149
Hits: 85943

17.12.2010 23:54 Forum: La Sporto

Yells the Kaput Attack-wave on..
We have to storm there Defence simply overwhelm it..

Thema: Länder Spiel Dezirujo - Kaputistan
Veronique Els

Antworten: 149
Hits: 85943

17.12.2010 23:52 Forum: La Sporto

Didn't knew it either..
Needs some patching Augenzwinkern

Thema: Länder Spiel Dezirujo - Kaputistan
Veronique Els

Antworten: 149
Hits: 85943

17.12.2010 23:45 Forum: La Sporto

One Big "High Five" and there we go into the Second

Thema: Länder Spiel Dezirujo - Kaputistan
Veronique Els

Antworten: 149
Hits: 85943

17.12.2010 23:37 Forum: La Sporto

Looks at the List..
Brings Bálan for Irkutskaja.. Brings Czernic for Brussilovska..

Talks to all 4 Separately.. with My Thea in my Hand..relaxed and plain Proffessionaly..

Thema: Länder Spiel Dezirujo - Kaputistan
Veronique Els

Antworten: 149
Hits: 85943

17.12.2010 23:29 Forum: La Sporto

Makes a Hand gesture at Maleter..
Things like that happen one should not overvalue that.

Thema: Länder Spiel Dezirujo - Kaputistan
Veronique Els

Antworten: 149
Hits: 85943

17.12.2010 23:23 Forum: La Sporto

Point at my Nose toward Rhwl..who Laughs about this Celtic Joke..
"Pulling it out a your Nose" smile

Thema: Länder Spiel Dezirujo - Kaputistan
Veronique Els

Antworten: 149
Hits: 85943

17.12.2010 23:21 Forum: La Sporto

Tell's Orenburg not to hang back..keep in Line with Alnwick and Pressburg.

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