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Thema: C.S.E Eretz Embassy Office
Migs mish von Strengler

Antworten: 7
Hits: 7887

06.09.2010 10:17 Forum: Ambasadejo de Eretz - Eretz Embassy

Thanks Kryv..hand him one of the Penthouses upstairs.
If Yaffi want's he can start tonight. smile
I am going to watch for sure.

Thema: Sports News from Eretz
Migs mish von Strengler

Antworten: 47
Hits: 31207

18.08.2010 00:14 Forum: La Sporto

Original von Kryvä von Strengler

I dont know if Paolo will be on today heard she and Katii went to Calgary for a day or Two.
If you like skating and you are'll use the opertuenety to skate a few Laps there, I think.
I would.. smile

Yeppi and I had the Kids to tend for, took them up the trail to the Indian Reservation and they had the Day of there Life up there.
With Pony's, Dog's, and being Painted the whole program smile

Thema: Sports News from Eretz
Migs mish von Strengler

Antworten: 47
Hits: 31207

14.08.2010 11:53 Forum: La Sporto

Original von Kryvä von Strengler
We can use one of the Embassies Rooms as Cultural- Center where e.t Arab can be tought ,Migs sees to that. smile

You will find it here.
The Ajubid Culture House. smile

Thema: C.S.E Ajubiddiq Culture House
Migs mish von Strengler

Antworten: 0
Hits: 2508

C.S.E Ajubiddiq Culture House 14.08.2010 11:49 Forum: Ambasadejo de Eretz - Eretz Embassy

The Ajubiddiq Culture House.
eel free to visit it ,here we will start lessons in Ajubid and lectures about the Land Al Jubiddiq. smile

Bonvenon al la Ajubiddiq Kulturo Domo Ni invitas al vi viziti in En la Kulturo Domo ni komencos Ajubid Lecionojn kaj lecurs pri Al Ajubiddiq. Dankon. smile

Thema: C.S.E Eretz Embassy Office
Migs mish von Strengler

Antworten: 7
Hits: 7887

11.08.2010 10:32 Forum: Ambasadejo de Eretz - Eretz Embassy

This is the Terr of the Confederacy on Baldur ,Karhu is not on it ,if I have it I will insert it's Map as well.
Sofar I have not received a Confederate Map for the OIK
And I am to stupid to make one. Zunge raus

Thema: C.S.E Eretz Embassy Office
Migs mish von Strengler

Antworten: 7
Hits: 7887

11.08.2010 10:19 Forum: Ambasadejo de Eretz - Eretz Embassy

Original von Stella Belego
Thanks for the information. Which competences will have the members of the confederation? And one question, which is personally interesting for me: Will each member of the confederation have its own sports team?

I have , as I already mentioned, grown a bit out of style..I'll try to answer as good as I can.

The Confederates are independent only the Three Political domains I mentioned are held by the Confederate Government.
The Vice-presidents I mentioned are in fact the Con federal Senators.
Sofar Al Ajubiddiq has a Minister of Sports ,you know her as Kryvä von Strengler.
Karhu also has one ,known as Ref.
The Confederates are largely responsible for there own Households so to speak.

Each of the Confederates can set-up and send it's own Sports Teams under there own Flag.
Teams of member States can also combine and participate under the Flag of the Confederacy.

Karhu will send Teams, as it alway's has done, under it's own Flag and Minister.

Thema: C.S.E Eretz Embassy Office
Migs mish von Strengler

Antworten: 7
Hits: 7887

11.08.2010 03:07 Forum: Ambasadejo de Eretz - Eretz Embassy

The C.S.E
The Confederate States of Eretz.
The Confederacy is build up out a the following States.
1 Medinat ha_Eretz
2 The Principality of Clwydd
3 Al Amirat Al Ajubiddiq
4 The Grand Duchy of Karhu maasta

In short we will have a Fifth member.
These 4 States are as good as independent the Confederate Government only deals in things like Foreign, Defense and Juristic politics.
Other resorts fall within the Governments of the Confederates themselves.

Each of this States has it's own head of State who also is a Vice-president of the Confederacy .
Kessi Lisätytären made good on her election promise for more de-centralization by transforming Eretz into a Confederacy.
She is the President of the C.S.E
The former Vice-president: Anuk bat Lemski will now become President of Eretz
Chaia merch Clwydd remains Princes of Clwydd.
James Kibir remains Amr of Al Jubiddiq
Duke Juhas IV remains Duke of Karhu.

As before Eretz remains comited to a Policy of Peace and appeasement ,the Union of the Terr of Eretz and Karhu will not pose a threat to anyone.

We have a saying : "a Dead enemy does not buy you're stuff anymore ."
War and Killings are pointless and costly. smile

Thema: C.S.E Eretz Embassy Office
Migs mish von Strengler

Antworten: 7
Hits: 7887

C.S.E Eretz Embassy Office 11.08.2010 02:41 Forum: Ambasadejo de Eretz - Eretz Embassy

I was very pleased about the location one had given us.
Away from crowds and busy City life.

I am a Child of the Dessert a Child of tranquility and silence a somewhat ascetic type who loves clear water and soft swaying palm tree's.

The nonat mish indeed means "adopted" never the less I felt and often acted as a von Strengler just like Jürgo my Abimish ,the one that adopted me. smile

I furnished the Office in Ajubstyle with seats and small tables against the wall ,no big desk, just a cubit a chair and a table.
The idea was to be and stay in close prox to the People who would come and call upon me. smile

Thema: Embassadors return
Migs mish von Strengler

Antworten: 5
Hits: 5640

11.08.2010 02:31 Forum: La Esplanadoj

Original von Plezura Okazako
Here we have the location for you:

Embassy of Eretz

*so* Your ID has already the MOD rights in this forum *so*

Txs Great Show! smile

Thema: Embassadors return
Migs mish von Strengler

Antworten: 5
Hits: 5640

11.08.2010 02:07 Forum: La Esplanadoj

Original von Plezura Okazako
Koran bonvenon!

I am very happy that old friends return!

If you need any help to reestablish the embassy, please tell me!

*so* If you need a sub forum wth MOD rights, just tell me *so*

It's good to be here again I have only the best of memories about Dezirujo. smile
I could need help there I have grown a wee bit out of style.
a Small building would do I think ,if possible outside the City center.

a Subforum would be very nice thank you. smile

Thema: Embassadors return
Migs mish von Strengler

Antworten: 5
Hits: 5640

Embassadors return 11.08.2010 01:46 Forum: La Esplanadoj

I had a short and quit flight from Yebusaylon.
My job was to take up the job wish I had held before.

Got of the Plane and had a look around ,the whole area had been modernized a sure sign that the present Government was firm in control. smile

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